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Enginuity Employee Spotlight: Kyle Bradley, Account Manager

Written by Market Enginuity | March 3, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Welcome to the Enginuity Employee Spotlight series! This series shares employee stories, focusing on their achievements, personality, successes, challenges, and more to get to know them in and outside of work. The series builds connections among employees and boosts belonging and inclusion in our larger community.  

Today's employee spotlight features Kyle Bradley, Account Manager supporting Nashville Public Radio. Kyle has been with us for 13 years and has perfected how to build relationships with clients to make sure they are happy with their schedules and sponsorships. We are excited for you to get to know him better.

Tell us about one of your favorite work stories

Developing a relationship with Amazon and growing the account over the past year has been really rewarding. Since they are such a big company, it's hard to break through and even find the correct person to talk to. My contacts are extremely busy, so getting on their schedule and securing a meeting can be challenging. Securing sponsorship with them can be daunting, so it was nice to cross all those hurdles and continue to grow that sponsorship. They really like our new daily show, “This Is Nashville” and wanted to be a part of it. It was great to add that on top of what they already have been doing with us.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Searching flea markets and estate sales for hidden treasures. My partner owns Junk is the New Black, so we are often traveling looking for finds. I love collecting these little Japanese stacking coffee cups from the 60s from estate sales. One of my favorite finds was a few years ago on The World’s Longest Yard Sale just south of Chattanooga we found an Adrian Pearsall dining table under a big pile of junk with no price on it. Needless to say, got a steal of a deal. 

I also enjoy spending time gardening and with my chickens. We have 7 girls and one rooster. Their breeds are Buff Orrington's, Cochins, Plymouth Rocks, and one Silkie rooster. You can follow their adventures at Madison Creek Chicken Daddies on Instagram. They can be a handful some days but most times they are self-sustaining if you feed and water them. 

What is the most important thing you have learned in the last five years? 

The value of health and time. Investing more in my personal health and how I spend my time have both become top priorities. I’ve started working out with a personal trainer to help keep me more accountable. I also am working with a food prep service to eat more healthy meals. I realized I was getting to a certain age, and I was seeing a little wear and tear. I don’t bounce back like I used to so I realized I should start taking better care overall. 

What would people never guess you do in your role? 

Turn down money. On occasion, after meeting with a prospect you learn their target demographic and goals don't make us the best fit. It's a tough thing to do, but in the end, if a client's sponsorship doesn't deliver results, not only have you done a disservice to them, but they will spread word-of-mouth public radio doesn't work and that's not true. 

Where would you like to go on a dream vacation? 

Ireland. I took the ancestry DNA test at age 49. I was sure Irish would be my top percentage and for my 50th I would visit the country. It turned out I was more English than anything else, and since I've been to England, it was off to Puerto Vallarta, which worked out for the best. But it is still on my list to visit Ireland. Even though it won’t be as romantic as I built it up in my head by getting back to my roots, I would love to go!  

If you want, check out Kyle's partner's store Junk Is The New Black to discover cool antiques and oddities. A fun fact about Kyle: he has three relatives in the Country Music Hall of Fame -- his uncles Owen and Harold Bradley, and his cousin Jerry Bradley. Being from Nashville, Kyle grew up loving country music and it obviously worked well for his family. Consider reaching out to him to say hello at