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Unveiling the Magic: What Makes Marketing on Public Media Special

Written by Regina Hanson | January 8, 2024 at 7:36 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, businesses are constantly seeking avenues that offer unique advantages. Standing out and connecting with their target audience in meaningful ways has never been more critical. Both NPR and PBS, with their distinctive characteristics, present a unique and compelling platform for marketing endeavors. In this article, we will delve into what makes marketing on public media so special and why businesses should consider this powerful and impactful channel.

1.    Credibility and Trustworthiness
One of the hallmark features of public media is its unwavering commitment to credibility and trustworthiness. Public media outlets, such as National Public Radio (NPR) and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), are revered for their unbiased reporting, in-depth analysis, and commitment to journalistic integrity. When businesses choose to market on public media, they align themselves with these values, benefiting from the credibility and trust associated with these reputable platforms.

The Halo Effect is greatly magnified by the public media fanbase. Accessing the public radio audience ensures that your marketing message is heard by individuals who take your brand seriously. Of public radio listeners:
•    72% hold a positive opinion of sponsors 
•    68% prefer to purchase from sponsors 
•    84% take action as a result of public media sponsorship
(Source: Kantar, NPR State of Sponsorship Survey June 2023.)

2.    An Engaged and Thoughtful Audience
Public media attracts an audience known for its thoughtfulness and engagement. Listeners and viewers actively seek out content that stimulates their intellect, broadens their perspectives, and enriches their lives. Over 86% of public radio listeners consider being well-educated a priority and approximately 92% believe in lifelong learning. (Source: MRI-Simmons Doublebase. Fall 2022).

Public radio listeners are more receptive, discerning, and likely to appreciate the depth and substance of the content presented. Thus, when businesses market on public media, they tap into a hyper-engaged and intellectual audience. 

3.    Quality Messaging Over Quantity
Unlike traditional commercial media that often prioritizes quantity and repetition, public media places a premium on quality content with short and concise messaging. Marketing messages on public media are thoughtfully curated, avoiding the bombardment of repetitive commercials. 

Therefore, businesses have the opportunity to present their message in a meaningful manner, contributing to a more positive and respectful advertising environment. Consequently, public radio listeners are more receptive to those marketing messages.

4.    Local And National Reach
Public media is deeply rooted in local communities, and this connection is a distinguishing feature. Local stations often tailor their content to the specific interests and needs of their communities. This can be particularly beneficial for promoting events, performance arts, as well as local non-profits. 

Marketing with public radio can also amplify your national reach. According to a 2019 Nielsen marketing campaign comparison, strategies that include radio see an 80% national reach while those without have a mere 57% reach.

Businesses that market on public media can benefit from their localized approach, reaching community members in a way that resonates with their unique characteristics and values. Moreover, to obtain maximum local and national reach, as well as consumption — public radio has proven incredibly successful.

5.    Underwriting Messages And Long-lasting Impact
Public media advertising typically takes the form of underwriting messages — brief acknowledgments that convey the business’s support without the interruption of traditional commercials. These underwriting messages have a long-lasting impact, as they are associated with the high-quality content that public media provides. This unique approach allows businesses to make a positive and enduring connection with the audience.

Furthermore, 63% of the public radio audience tunes in to sponsorship messages, compared with 43% of commercial radio listeners.* Thus, your message is not only more likely to be heard by more people, but it’s also more likely to be remembered and applied.
*(Kantar/ Lightspeed Research, NPR State of Sponsorship Survey, June 2023.)

6.    Reaching Niche Audiences
Public media embraces innovation and creativity in its programming. From captivating documentaries to groundbreaking podcasts, public media continually explores new formats and ideas. Businesses that choose to market on public media can leverage this spirit of innovation, allowing them to present their brand in creative and unique ways that captivate the audience’s attention.

Additionally, the public media fanbase often includes niche audiences and a broad range of demographics. Whether it’s a specific interest in science, culture, or current affairs, businesses can tailor their marketing messages to reach specialized audiences within the public media ecosystem. This can also help the business align with particular demographics or specialized groups. Moreover, this can greatly aid in reaching a target audience.

A targeted approach allows for more precise and effective communication with consumers who are genuinely interested in the products or services being offered.

Making Marketing Magic

Marketing with public media is a distinctive and unique endeavor that goes beyond traditional advertising approaches. From the credibility and trustworthiness associated with reputable platforms to the engaged and thoughtful audience, the emphasis on quality content, community connection, underwriting messages with lasting impact, a culture of innovation, and the ability to reach niche and affluent individuals — public media provides a platform where businesses can genuinely connect with their audience in a meaningful and authentic way. 

As businesses navigate the ever-evolving marketing landscape, exploring the unique opportunities offered by public media can be the key to unlocking a remarkable and impactful marketing strategy. Market Enginuity’s experts are standing by to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process in order to find the most results-driven strategy for your organization. 

To learn more about marketing with public media download our free Public Media Marketing 101 eBook.