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Reach Decision Makers with Public Radio

Written by Bethany Clevenstine Shocki | February 7, 2023 at 4:23 PM

B2B marketing faces challenges in reaching key audiences. Many marketing strategies to reach individuals aren't as effective when targeting other businesses. However, public radio has a knack for capturing the attention of both individual and business consumers with equal impact. It offers an option that lies outside of industry-specific channels.  

One of the most powerful aspects of public radio lies in the listener demographics. Statistics show that the public radio audience disproportionately consists of people in decision-making roles compared to commercial radio. They are also loyal to their station and its sponsors. The answer to how to reach a B2B audience is simple: public radio. 

Public Radio's Audience Consists of Executives and Decision-Makers  

The listening audience of public radio is predominantly well-educated, affluent, and influential. It comprises many people in decision-making roles, whether business owners, executives or self-employed. 92% of them are more likely to hold top management positions, while 41% are members of the C-suite. Public radio is important to them because they are accustomed to focusing only on the most relevant information sources in their busy lives. The information they garner from public radio reflects their affinity for quality over quantity. 

The spoken word format of much of public radio's programming also attracts this group of listeners. They tend to give the programming their full attention, as they feel the content and sponsor messaging are relevant to their lives and interests. Sponsor messages on public media are not intrusive to them, and they refrain from changing the channel during commercial breaks. The audience considers the sponsors benefactors, enabling their favorite local programming through financial support. 

Listeners Want to Support Businesses that Sponsor Public Radio  

Public media listeners want to support businesses that support public radio. Not only do 74% of the listeners have a favorable opinion about the sponsors, but 72% of them would make purchases from the sponsors rather than their competitors. The goodwill generated from supporting a valued and beloved source of news and entertainment is repaid when the audience makes their buying decisions.  

They also want to frequent businesses that have a purpose. Decision-makers and executives must have their fingers on the pulse of local, regional, national, and world events that affect our economy. Many are also passionate about the people they serve and the causes that will benefit them and the world. They appreciate brands and companies that support causes and reflect the same concern the business executives have about their communities.   

These purpose-driven business leaders are active and engaged in their local communities, as 171% do not hesitate to contact a local, state, or national politician about issues, concerns, or causes. 191% currently or previously served on a local committee to help effect change in their community—55% volunteer for their favorite charitable organization.  

Straightforward Channels Resonate with Business Leaders  

Busy people don't have a lot of patience for anything that wastes their time. They favor anything that gets right to the point. That's why public radio resonates with business leaders and decision-makers. They appreciate its straightforward news and programming and the built-in nature of concise sponsorship messages. 

Audiences favor the clutter-free format of public radio. While commercial radio has up to 15-18 minutes per hour of ads, public radio restricts sponsor messaging to only 3-5 minutes per hour. The audience actively listens to sponsor messages to understand more about the brands that care about what they do. This inherent kinship is an essential factor in how to reach a B2B audience. 

Public Radio Connects and Engages Influential People and Businesses 

Public radio is a powerful medium that attracts an influential audience. Sponsoring public radio is an investment that can return significant benefits as part of a brand's B2B marketing strategy. A public media sponsorship reaches a loyal and engaged audience of highly educated, affluent, and accomplished people. Compared to commercial radio audiences, a disproportionate number of public media listeners are decision-makers, holding upper management and C-suite positions in their companies.  

Many industry leaders and company decision-makers are committed to their local communities. They want to repay their customers' loyalty by giving back. Likewise, they want to support other businesses that exhibit similar values. Public radio has a long history of supporting the local communities it serves, and supporting public radio through sponsorship shows that your company wants to invest in the platforms and causes important to the audience.