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Why Public Media Sponsorship Is Worth the Investment

Written by Dareni Wellman | August 17, 2021 at 4:02 PM

More and more marketers are being asked to prove the ROI of their campaigns to organizational decision-makers and higher-ups. New realities require businesses to re-evaluate their expenses and trim costs where they can. An effort that is not proving successful will be one of the first on the chopping block.  

Public media sponsorship escapes the ax every time because it continually offers value. Fifty-nine percent of public radio listeners report that NPR engages their minds more positively than other media does. And 46% of listeners have a more favorable opinion of companies that sponsor public radio.    

A high-quality audience engaged in award-winning content proves to be more receptive to non-intrusive messaging that fits the style, tone, and tenor of public media programming. This type of engagement from a top-tier audience makes public media sponsorship worth the investment. 

An Exclusive Audience 

Public media provides access to an exclusive audience that is difficult to reach across other platforms. Listener demographics lean toward high earners who tend to be more highly educated. Included in this group are members of top business management and C-suite employees. Audience turnover on public media is low, making sponsorship more efficient than commercial media advertising. 

Less Competing Messaging 

Public media features less messaging and fewer breaks than commercial stations, so sponsors don't have to compete to be heard. Live reads and copy crafted according to public media guidelines are seamlessly integrated into programming. Audiences are more likely to be receptive to this style of content, with 67% of NPR listeners saying they are engaged with ads on the radio. Thirty-six percent admit to purchasing a product or a service after hearing a message on the platform. 

With public media, less is more. Some of the most memorable brand messages contain only a few words. A limited inventory of sponsors means your message stands out and has more value. 

Engaging Content with Public Media Sponsorship 

Public radio digital platforms provide award-winning content, including live-streamed programs and podcasts. Through this type of programming, sponsors are given more creative freedom to reach the audience. Loyal listeners form their own opinions and appreciate objective content that goes deeper than sound bites. Education is a common theme, and topics cover a broad, international scope. 

Public Media Is a Wise Investment 

For a marketing strategy to be successful, it needs to reach a solid, engaged audience. Public media sponsorship comes with an exclusive listenership that wants to be educated to form their own opinions. The audience is more likely to be engaged in content and less likely to turn the station when messages are presented. Forty-six percent of listeners say they are inclined to trust a brand that they hear advertised on public radio.  

Working with a public media partner can help you uncover ways to maximize your marketing investment and tap into an exclusive audience.