
Market Enginuity Blog

Public Radio Fans are Travel Enthusiasts

Like most business sectors, the travel industry was hit hard by the pandemic. However, with increased vaccinations and new COVID-19 cases dropping, business and leisure travel is picking back up. After over 16 months of quarantine and missed vacations, weddings, birthdays, graduations, and family gatherings, […]

The New Listening Normal

In the days before the pandemic, people commuted to work and depended on the radio to entertain them on their journey and during their working hours. Workforce-focused radio thrived. Then COVID-19 changed the world and the way we worked. As we started working from home, radio stations quickly adjusted to the new […]

Public Radio vs. Commercial Radio

Over 272 million Americans listen to the radio every month, translating to 92% of the population. Radio remains popular with listeners for many reasons, including the fact that it is free and easily accessible through car radios, stereos, laptops, phones, computers, and smart speakers, and there is a station and […]

How Public Media Drives ROI

Marketers everywhere share a common goal: increasing the ROI of their campaigns. Understanding whether your strategy is worth the spend is key to running a successful campaign that returns the most profit from your investment. One way to put your campaign on the right track is by choosing a highly profitable […]

What Is Cause Marketing?

Establishing a presence and favorable reputation in your local community is one of the most rewarding marketing moves you can make. When your company is visible in the community in which you operate, you can more easily build brand awareness, attract new customers, increase brand loyalty, and grow sales. […]

Explaining the Value of Public Media Sponsorship to Your Organization

Marketers face enormous pressure when pitching marketing strategies to their organizations. They have to present the idea in a compelling narrative that ties the campaign's objectives to those of the company. And, with ever-tightening marketing budgets, they must be prepared to back every assertion with research […]

Trust By Association: Why Public Media Members Will Love Your Brand

Audiences everywhere have been burned by "fake news" that seems to be in never-ending supply on television and social media. According to a recent Gallup poll, a staggering 33% of Americans don't trust mass media at all.

Beyond NPR: Public Media Stations Offer Diverse Options

Some marketers believe that the public media audience does not fall within their business's demographic. On the contrary, public media audiences are diverse and number in the millions every year. Weekly listenership for stations hosting content from American Public Media (APM), National Public Radio (NPR), and […]

Brand Awareness ROI: The KPIs You Need to be Tracking

Businesses across all industries are trying to determine how to track and measure their brand awareness campaigns. In doing so, they hope to justify marketing budgets by gaining insight into ROI and profitability. What's difficult about tracking ROI for brand awareness is that you can't measure it directly. […]

The Human Approach to Sponsorship Sales

We’ve all heard the phrase, “people buy from those they know, like and trust.” With the increase in AI-driven content recommendations and targeted advertising, this statement is more relevant now than ever.

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Suite 105
Phoenix, AZ 85016


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