It’s impossible to reach your target audience in places where they are not in the habit of listening to ads. The key to getting your message recognized and acted upon involves finding those avenues where consumers are already highly engaged and focusing your effort there.
Your public media sponsorship helps you reach more customers because the engaged audience is paying attention not only to programming, but to messages from sponsors, as well.
Communities rely on local businesses to meet their everyday needs. Local businesses, in turn, depend on the communities they serve to remain operational. These relationships are at the heart of every viable community.
For that reason, it’s important that businesses use their marketing dollars to reach individuals directly in the community. Depending on a physical storefront and signage is not always the best advertising strategy, because not all businesses have the option of a highly visible location. Success requires crafting an effective message that can explain not only what you sell, but will reflect those things that are important to you as an organization.
Making that message available on public radio helps you create brand awareness by connecting with the listeners you want to attract.
Radio marketing, in general, is cost-effective. It targets specific demographics and market segments with frequent, sometimes memorable messages. Results can be tracked and analyzed quickly and accurately. If something is not working, it can efficiently be replaced.
Public radio has a dedicated audience that is more likely to stay tuned to hear sponsor messages during breaks. Short, to-the-point messaging that resonates with listeners and blends in seamlessly with content gives small businesses the attention they deserve. With fewer breaks, the community can be reached via a medium where the business name is more likely to stand out.
One of the most notable benefits of public radio marketing is that it gives small businesses a higher ROI with a lower overall ad spend. This comes with greater credibility than marketing through social media outlets like Facebook, which depend on a higher frequency to achieve comparable conversions.
Public radio offers less cluttered messaging that allows for better listener retention. Because of the Halo Effect, the audience is more likely to associate your small business with their favorite programming provider. This borrowed influence lends credibility to your brand as it is seen as an endorsement of your company.
Of public radio listeners, about 55% are men and roughly 45% are women. A diverse audience, including African American and Latino listeners, is represented by all age groups especially those between 25 and 54.
The NPR audience profile reflects that 70% of listeners have a college degree with 36% of those holding post graduate credentials. Income-wise, that translates to a median average income of $103,000. This audience identifies as voters involved in public activities with 26% saying they fall middle of the road in terms of politics.
By marketing your small business through public radio sponsorship, you are reaching an informed audience that enjoys reading books, dining out, and attending theater events. These listeners generally have more discretionary income at their command.
In summary, your small business gets more mileage out of public media sponsorship than other types of traditional marketing. An intelligent, engaged audience is not only more likely to hear your message, but will want more information about your products or services. With a greater tendency than commercial radio listeners to take action and make a purchase, they are also more prone to recommend your brand. Thanks to the Halo Effect, your small business is seen as one that shares their views and can be trusted.
Your media partner can help you increase your reach through public radio sponsorship.