Consumers are constantly online, so many marketers are quick to jump on new trends in the digital world. While digital marketing is an effective strategy, traditional advertising tactics (especially radio) can still net sound results.
In recent years, radio as a marketing channel has proven to be three times more effective than TV commercials. Public radio sponsorship garners even more recognition, and it boasts one of the hottest marketing trends: podcasting! But why is public radio so irresistible to listeners, and what kinds of sponsored messages do they appreciate the most? Let’s explore.
AM/FM radio draws in millions of listeners each day, but the structure of public radio naturally creates a more engaged audience. Public radio's main goal is to relay information, including news on current events, and listeners have come to expect accurate and unbiased reports.
Of course, that doesn't mean that people only rely on public radio for informational purposes. Listeners also use public radio for entertainment during their work commutes or while they're doing chores around the house. The creative storytelling used on public radio offers a unique experience that's hard to replicate on other platforms.
People of all ages and walks of life enjoy public radio. It's particularly popular for middle-aged listeners, but even young adults are getting in on the action. Public radio also appeals equally to both male and female listeners. Its wide reach allows virtually any brand to have a successful public radio campaign.
Because of the FCC's sponsorship guidelines, listeners know that sponsors will never try to promote misleading claims or push long ads. Public radio listeners recognize that brands who sponsor their favorite station likely share their values.
The proof is in published studies: 75% of customers are more inclined to buy products from brands that sponsor public radio. And listeners have a lot of purchasing power, with many of them making an average of $91,500 per year.
Podcasting’s reach is wider than ever and has grown immensely over the last two years as listeners adjusted to new routines. According to Infinite Dial 2022 research:
Sponsoring public radio stations and their associated podcasts also translates into proven ROI. In one two-year study, the average podcast campaign earned $2.42 back for every $1 spent. Not quite sure where to begin? A public media partner can help you find podcasts and radio stations that your target audience already loves, boosting your ROI even more.
Public radio cuts out a lot of the fluff heard on AM/FM radio, ensuring that your brand's message hits home. Keep in mind that public radio listeners are accustomed to the clutter-free environment of this platform – in fact, they prefer it. A short, sweet message is more memorable and leaves a better impression on your target. Your ROI will reflect this, with an average of 82% of listeners taking action after hearing a sponsor message.
Public media is proven to have broad reach and an impressive level of trust from its listeners. Still, in order for your campaign to be successful, your message must be tailor-made for your unique audience. Avoid getting overly emotional or salesy. Simply present the facts and information that your audience needs to know. Also, remember that concise messages are preferred by public media listeners.
Finally, every marketer can benefit from a trusted media partner to oversee campaigns. With their expertise, you'll be able to create a unique message that resonates with your audience and drives more impact.
Whether you’re interested in sponsoring one of our public media stations or learning more about turnkey sponsorship representation for your station, we can help. Complete the form, and we’ll be in touch soon.
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